6 Wellness Trends to Explore in 2019

6 Wellness Trends to Explore in 2019

I recently read an article about the wellness trends for this year and realized some of these are already part of my life. A couple of them though will require me to do some more investigation before I give them a go.  Here are a few worth keeping an eye on. 1-Celery...
Most Popular Diets of 2019

Most Popular Diets of 2019

I recently saw a news piece about the best diets for 2019, which prompted me to conduct a further investigation into which ones were receiving highest marks and why. But first before I share what I learned, I would like to tackle the word “diet.” We seem to associate...
Fill Your Pantry

Fill Your Pantry

When we are making a switch to eating healthier food, there are a few concerns that tend to come up. There is the belief that healthy food costs too much or there isn’t enough time to cook. Also many people aren’t sure what foods they should purchase in...
Drink Up!

Drink Up!

We spend so much time focusing on food and nutrition that we often overlook the drink in our hand. Now I know we are all reminded we should be drinking more water, but that’s because it’s true. Water is actually the beverage I drink the most of, drinking...
Take your Kitchen back!

Take your Kitchen back!

I often hear from people that they don’t have enough time to cook and I get that, really I do. However I strongly believe that an important piece to a healthy lifestyle is cooking our own food. So I think it’s about time we took our kitchens back. Now I...
Carbs and Fats are not the enemy

Carbs and Fats are not the enemy

We all need to eat correct? The answer is yes because food provides us with energy and the fuel we need to make it through our busy hectic day. However it’s the types of foods we eat that are the most important. Now I’m not here to push one diet or another...