Finding Confidence in Every Aspect of Your Life.
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About Tashya
Health Coach and Educator, Yoga Teacher
I’m Tashya, your Wellness Lifestyle Coach.
Before I became a wellness coach, most of my career was spent in a classroom teaching young children. My teaching career eventually led me to a job where I taught about food, nutrition, and healthy habits.
That’s when the shift in my life began to take place because I felt myself called to a new purpose and path. I have always wanted to help others, that’s why I became a teacher, but now I realized I also wanted to help others by spreading the wellness message and creating a healthier world.
So, I enrolled in a health coaching training program after which I went on to obtain my Master’s degree in Health Promotion with a concentration in Community Education. This degree prepared me to become a Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES). All of this new knowledge is helping me create health education programs for children and adults alike.
During my training I had to face my own demons and realize how a life of wellness worked for me. I’ve worked on overcoming my depression and eating disorder through exercise, healthy eating, meditation, and writing.
I’ve faced my past head on, let it go, and released myself from toxic behaviors and relationships. I haven’t always lived a life that was aligned with my values, therefore I wasn’t being my true authentic self. I’ve learned how to create a healthier lifestyle for myself which I want to share with others.
My Approach
Using lessons I’ve learned and applied to my own life I have created programs focusing on 13 points of wellness that are sure to inspire and motivate others to make the changes they desire.
I am only the guide on this journey, helping others as they work towards creating the life they want to have. I’m using all my experiences and insights that I have gained to help you realize your true potential.
My Unique Framework
As a writer, speaker, educator and yoga teacher my goal is to help guide people on their own journey to making a wellness lifestyle work for them.
My holistic approach teaches that it’s not just about the nutrition we put into our bodies or our fitness routine, we also need to take care of our own well-being as well
My Process
I’ve learned that getting to this point is not easy and that’s why I’ve made it my mission to help others achieve this healthy and balanced lifestyle for themselves. It’s not about being on a diet or trying the latest workout trend. This is about changing your life forever.
I offer yoga classes and wellness workshops that will provide you with all the tools you need to make wellness work for YOU!
Wellness Workshops
These monthly workshops are here to help give you the tools needed to craft a life of wellness.
Topics covered over the course of the year include, goal and intention setting, self love, growth mindset, establishing habits, domains of health, nutrition education, and more.
Morning Gentle Flow
Yoga Class
If you have ever felt intimidated walking into a yoga studio because everyone seemed to know what they were doing, this is the class for you.
This class is designed to wake up your body with gentle movement. Yoga is for everyone and we aim to make it accessible to all with this class.
Classes are offered Saturday mornings.
Morning Gentle Flow
Yoga Class
If you have ever felt intimidated walking into a yoga studio because everyone seemed to know what they were doing, this is the class for you.
This class is designed to wake up your body with gentle movement. Yoga is for everyone and we aim to make it accessible to all with this class.
Classes are offered Saturday mornings.
Class is $13.
Every Saturday
10 AM (ET)
She inspired me through her words and advice.
Once the program ended I found myself with more self confidence and looking forward to workout. I was also able to voice my feelings better with my loved ones.
My Blog
How I Learned to Run with the Wolves
One thing I have always found most helpful on my healing journey, is learning from books. There is one book that has been recommended numerous times and has been on my Goodreads list for a few years now. And so finally this past fall, I randomly joined a book club...
Exploring the 7 Domains of Health
I have always believed that everything we do is interconnected. Which is why when I embarked on this health journey years ago, I called it a wellness lifestyle. I knew that each choice I made, each habit I developed would influence other ones with all of them adding up to how healthy I was inside and out.
My Year in Therapy
It was time to make the call. It was something I had been putting off, but something I knew I needed to do. It was time to get back into therapy. So, back in January I worked up the courage and looked up mental health providers on my insurance platform. And let me tell you, I was lucky on my first call.
Tell it to Your Journal
Writing in my journal has been a habit for me off and on since I was in high school. I don’t have any set routine around it and sometimes I’m not very consistent. I can go months without journaling only to pick it back up when reading a certain spiritual book, working on trauma healing, I need to work something out, or it’s a new moon ritual.
Is Resilient doing us a Disservice?
I recently read an article discussing the word resilient and it had me thinking how I feel about this word. I’ve used it to describe myself, heard it used to describe others, especially children, but is resilient what we are truly striving for?
How I went from Hustle Culture to teaching Restorative Yoga
Busy, the Grind, Hustle Culture, whatever you call it, I was a card-carrying member for years! I was proud of my membership and wore it like a badge of honor. I loved being super busy. Work multiple jobs? Check! Go to grad school while working said multiple jobs? Check! Accept every invite and say yes to all the projects coming my way? Check and Check!