As for Help if You Need It!

As for Help if You Need It!

May is Mental Health Awareness month and the National Alliance on Mental Illness has chosen “Cure Stigma” as their theme for this year’s campaign. Studies have shown that one in five Americans is battling a mental illness. Many of these individuals don’t seek help and...
The Connection Between Nutrition, Exercise, Sleep

The Connection Between Nutrition, Exercise, Sleep

One question I am often asked about is the connection between nutrition, fitness, and sleep. We know that each is important on its own, but how do they all fit together in the health and wellness lifestyle? We’ve discussed the benefits of eating healthy, we’ve talked...
Water; It Does A Body Good

Water; It Does A Body Good

Water is my go-to beverage of choice. Yes, I drink green tea every morning, but water is my constant throughout the day. I know we all hear that drinking is so important and beneficial to a healthy lifestyle because it’s true. It’s also easy to drink and free. The...
Spring into Action

Spring into Action

The first three months of the year have gone by, which means we’ve completed a quarter of 2019 so far. We are now entering the spring season, a time of renewal. This is when we start to shake off those winter blues. I also like to use it as a time to check-in with the...
Feeling Anxious??

Feeling Anxious??

Back when I was in high school, I would have panic attacks, although at the time I didn’t know that’s what they were called. All I knew was that I would feel very overwhelmed when it was loud or too many people, or I was unsure of something. I would fidget, do this...